Thursday, August 24, 2006

Summers End

On Sunday, 6 of us headed out on a tripper trip back to the same route I had done the week before, to Chiniguchi, near Sudbury. We stopped on Wolf Lake the first night which offers some awesome views and huge quartzite rocks.

Again, sick waterfalls are everywhere in this area. Group shot.

We decided to go on a hike the second day to a fire watch tower on the next lake over. After the portage we discovered no one had brought either a compass or map... bad idea. We could see the tower from the lake so we had a general idea of where it was. Docking our boats around the next bend left us without a view of the tower and so we had to just go on a guess as to which direction to hike. We bushwacked for 3 hours and after climbing many trees to orient ourselves, jumping on a bees nest and Luke recieving over 20 stings we arrived at our destination.

The top was windy, offered a great view and showed us just how far we had to go to get back to our canoes.... However, getting back only took an hour. A late dinner followed.
The next morning included a dip in the freezing cold Paradise Lagoon pictured above. It was a short but sweet trip and an ideal way to close the summer.


At 24/8/06 9:00 PM, Blogger Sarah. said...

WOW! I can't believe its the last day of camp tomorrow! That is just crazy to me!

Great photos ROb!

At 24/8/06 9:01 PM, Blogger Sarah. said...

Make it a good one!!

At 27/8/06 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob with 4 girls?
On top of a tower....
Wish I was young again.
PD age 62


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