Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ralph Bice Lake Loop in Algonquin

This was a nice four day trip where it rained everyday... bummer.. But the scenery was excellent and no death storms hit near us. This shot is everyone standing on water in the middle of Little Trout Lake.

This is a nice one I snapped while I was pumping water through the filter which I swear is broken.

There were some great rapids along the way to swim in.

All the rain the night before somehow created this cool stream through the forest which I swear wasn't there the day before.

All in all it was a good trip with rain for everyone! Uneventful = great, after the last trip.


At 27/8/06 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these with us. God's kingdom is amazing . We just saw it proven again in Newfoundland


At 27/8/06 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very creative photography.
I just know you'll go places in Life.
Paul Doesburg


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