Monday, July 24, 2006

And the winner is....

On Sunday morning I hosted a fishing derby to help raise money so I can work at camp this summer. It went pretty well and everyone had a good time.

This beautiful rainbow accompanied the hour rainstorm that started the second we hit the water.

A blurry one of my dad and Len fishing near "the hole" on the far side of the lake. Later Len flipped the canoe trying to reach for something in the water.

Aaron and Pat fly fishing... unfortunately it didn't help them on their pursuit of victory.

A curious painted turtle got too close to my boat and I grabbed him.

The WINNER, Paul Doesburg, hooked a 19", 3lb 10oz, Large mouth Bass to claim the title as well as 23 fish in total to win both categories (largest and most fish).

Thanks to all who came and those who couldn't but still sent their support!


At 24/7/06 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there!
i thought i'd leave a comment, so i'm not *completely* an anonymous lurker.. heh.. i believe i have been to this site a few times before, cause i think i got it from your msn name before you left for camp!
the photos are always awesome! they're all like picture-perfect for postcards! keep them up!
talk to you later!

At 27/7/06 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob Nelson - you take awesome pictures. I am the guy with the BIG fish....
My son went to camp and he grew enormously. The only "camp" I went to was the compulsory 18 months in the Dutch army when I was 19. I wish I had had the opportunity to go to Pioneer camp, and have had Rob Nelson as my councillor.
Paul Doesburg

At 4/8/06 10:34 PM, Blogger Sarah. said...

THAT fish is from Divine Lake? .... Hey Rob, how come you've never caught one that big.hmm.... interesting ;)


At 27/8/06 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea Rob.



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