Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm here!

Hey, I made it to camp however internet access is pretty limited. I'm heading out on an 8 day trip come thursday to the madawaska river, wherever that is. I've gotten a few pictures but i'm sure that trip will produce some beauties. Today we were fixing canoes which is way overrated, grinding the kevlar off of them reminded me of working in the spring, except it was way hotter, and there were more bugs, but I did get to jump in the lake at the end! speaking of which it's pretty warm for this time of year and the fishing has been pretty good. I haven't headed to Lake Devine yet to fish but hope to in the next few days.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blogger and the highway

Customizing these blog templates is ridiculously difficult, I'm sure they could've written some code and built a little program so that I didn't have to alter the code myself. So dumb...

Tonight I'm working my last shift of the spring. I'm kind of sad for this being my last day which is weird, I've never liked a job like I do working on the highway (other than camp). God has really blessed me with it, not only does it allow me to go back to camp every summer but the people I work with are awesome! I actually look forward to working. whoda thought?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Warm up

I'm pretty excited to be going to camp. 2 and a half weeks. The countdown is on, 10 more work days!